Capoeira Angola e.V.

Projects to Move Society

Easter Meeting 2014

Posted on 24 Apr. 2014 0 comments

Female Leadership in Capoeira Angola

“What a wonderful Easter in Berlin, thank you dear friends!”

Heta Yrjänäinen

“Thanks to CM Susy, CM Gege, CM Di, Cristina, Heta, Åsa, Juliet, Cibele, Lisette for the inspirational week in Berlin!”

Lisa Canelinha

“I want say thank to you for this unforgetable experience, … the event was wonderful !!”


“Valeu Susy Oesterreicher e Adriana Luz Do Nascimento! Foi um prazer estar e trabalhar com voces em Berlin! Forca, saude e coragem para todas nos! Amor, amor e amor!”

Contramestra Gege

“Muito obrigada ao Grupo Vadiacao do Mestre Rosalvo Santos e a contra mestre Susy Oesterreicher por me deixarem fazer parte dessa familia Angoleira tao linda e grandiosa que faco parte e que cresco muito com voces a cada dia da minha humilde vida como Angoleira…”



Auf Grund der überwältigenden Resonanz unseres Eastermeeting 2014 wollen wir mit unserem diesjährigen Eastermeeting erneut „Female Leadership in Capoeira Angola“ thematisieren. 2014 kamen über 100 Frauen und Männer aus über 10 europäischen Ländern zusammen, um gemeinsam zu trainieren, zu spielen und sich auszutauschen.

Wir möchten uns an dieser Stelle noch einmal herzlichst bei allen Teilnehmern, Lehrern und Helfern vom letzten Jahr bedanken.
Auf dieser Seite findet Ihr eine Auswahl unserer schönsten Fotos und Videos aus 2014.


As a result of last years highly successful Eastermeeting 2014, we would like to pick out again last years main topic „Female Leadership in Capoeira Angola“.  Over 100 women and men from more than 10 European countries joined together to train, play, and exchange their experiences.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who participated last year, teachers and those who helped with the organisation.
On this site you will find some of our best photos and videos from 2014.